How to use traceroute command effectively in linux?

Traceroute command in linux
The “traceroute” command in Linux is used to trace the route that packets take from your local system to a ...
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How to use lsof command effectively in linux?

lsof command in linux
The “lsof” (list open files) command in Linux is a powerful tool that provides information about files and processes that ...
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How to use variables in bash shell script?

How to use variables in bash shell script
Here are the steps on how to use variables in bash shell script to store and display your name, age, ...
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How to add/subtract/multiply/divide two numbers in bash script?

Here are the simple steps on how to add/subtract/multiply/divide two numbers in bash script. 1. Create a new file as ...
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Bash script that checks if a file exists in a specific directory

if a file exists in a specific directory-bash-script
Here are the simple steps to check if a file exists in a specific directory using Bash script in linux. ...
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RAID : Safeguarding Your Data, Boosting Your Performance!

RAID, which stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks, is a technology that combines multiple physical hard drives into a ...
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3 Simple steps to resize a filesystem in a logical volume

resize filesystem in a logical volume
To resize a filesystem to use the new space in a logical volume in Linux, you need to perform the ...
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9 Simple steps to create an encrypted filesystem in linux

create encrypted filesystem
Creating an encrypted filesystem using LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup) in Red Hat Linux involves several steps. LUKS provides disk ...
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How to check filesystem consistency?

Schedule a filesystem consistency check at the next boot using the “tune2fs” command. To schedule a filesystem check at the ...
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How to enable disk quotas for a filesystem in linux?

To enable disk quotas on a filesystem in Red Hat Linux-based distributions (such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, and Fedora), ...
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