What is InterProcess Commounication(IPC) in linux?

Interprocess Comm in linux
Interprocess communication (IPC) is a critical aspect of modern operating systems like Linux, enabling communication and data exchange between different ...
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Bash script that asks the user’s favorite color and prints it

bash script that asks users favorite color
Here are the simple steps to create a bash script that asks the user’s favorite color and prints it. 1. ...
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How to use awk command effectively in linux

awk command in linux - Techlakes
The “awk” command is a powerful text processing tool in Unix and Unix-like operating systems, including Linux. It is used ...
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How to use sar command effectively in linux?

sar command in linux
The “sar” command (System Activity Reporter) is a powerful tool for monitoring and collecting performance-related data on Linux systems. It ...
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Shell script that verifies if a file exists or not

bash script that verfies if a file exists
In this following post, you will learn how to write a simple shell script that verifies if a file exists ...
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Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL)

windows subsystem for linux
In general, there are two ways to implement Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL). A] Graphical User Interface (GUI) B] Command Line ...
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Bash script that checks if a given number is even or odd

bash script that checks odd or even number
Here are the steps to write a simple Bash script that checks if a given number is even or odd: ...
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A bash script that reads a file name from the user and display its contents

bash script that reads a filename
Here are the simple bash script that reads a file name from the user and displays its contents on the ...
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How to use tcpdump command effectively in linux?

tcpdump command in linux
“tcpdump” is a powerful command-line packet analyzer tool in Linux used for capturing and analyzing network traffic. Using it efficiently ...
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How to use nohup command effectively in linux?

nohup command in linux
The “nohup” command in Linux is used to run another command in the background and ensures that the command keeps ...
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