Bash script that asks the user’s favorite color and prints it

Here are the simple steps to create a bash script that asks the user’s favorite color and prints it.

1. Create a new file as mentioned below.
2. Copy and paste below simple Bash script that prompts the user for their favorite color and then prints it:

# This script asks the user for their favorite color and prints it.

# Prompt the user for input

echo "What is your favorite color?"

# Read the user's input into the variable 'favorite_color'

read -p "Enter your favorite color: " favorite_color

# Print the user's favorite color

echo "Your favorite color is: $favorite_color"
Explanation of the script:

“#!/bin/bash”: This line is called a shebang, and it tells the system to execute the script using the Bash shell.

“echo “What is your favorite color?”“: Prints a message asking the user for their favorite color.

“read -p “Enter your favorite color: ” favorite_color”: Uses the “read” command to take user input, with the “-p” option providing a prompt message. The user’s input is stored in the variable “favorite_color”.

“echo “Your favorite color is: $favorite_color”“: Prints the user’s favorite color using the value stored in the “favorite_color” variable.

3. Save and close the “vi” editor by pressing “Esc” key and type :wq!
4. Make sure to save the script in a file (e.g., “”) and give it execution permissions with the following command:
chmod +x

You can then run the script by executing:


The script will prompt the user for their favorite color, and then it will print the entered color.

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