9 Simple steps to create an encrypted filesystem in linux

Creating an encrypted filesystem using LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup) in Red Hat Linux involves several steps. LUKS provides disk encryption at the block device level, and it’s a widely used method to secure data on Linux systems. Here’s a step-by-guide to create an encrypted filesystem using LUKS.


1. Root Access: You need to have root privileges or sudo privileges on your Linux system.

2. LUKS Tools: Ensure that LUKS tools are installed on your system. If not, you can install them using your package manager (“yum” in Red Hat based systems).

Here are the 9 simple steps to create an encrypted filesystem in linux using LUKS:
1. Prepare Your Disk

Ensure that the disk or partition you want to encrypt does not contain any important data, as the encryption process will erase the existing data.

2. Install LUKS Tools (if not already installed)
sudo yum install cryptsetup

3. Create a LUKS Container

Replace “/dev/sdX” with the device you want to encrypt (e.g., “/dev/sdb1”).

sudo cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdX

You will be prompted to enter a passphrase. Make sure to use a strong and secure passphrase.

Note : Take a backup of all the existing files before executing this command as this will vanish all data. Here, the command has been executed in a newly partitioned disk “/dev/sdb1”.

4. Open the LUKS Container

After setting up LUKS, you need to open the container and map it to a device (e.g., “/dev/mapper/luks_disk”).

sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdX luks_disk

5. Create a Filesystem on the Encrypted Device

Now that the encrypted container is available as “/dev/mapper/luks_disk”, you can create a filesystem on it. For example, to create an ext4 filesystem.

sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/luks_disk

6. Mount the Encrypted Filesystem:

Create a mount point and mount the encrypted filesystem.

sudo mkdir /mnt/encrypted_data
sudo mount /dev/mapper/luks_disk /mnt/encrypted_data

7. Add an Entry to “/etc/crypttab” (Optional but recommended)

Edit the “/etc/crypttab” file to automatically unlock and mount the LUKS device during boot. Add a line like this.

luks_disk UUID=<UUID_of_encrypted_device> none

Replace “<UUID_of_encrypted_device>“ with the UUID of the LUKS device, which you can find using “sudo blkid”.

8. Update “/etc/fstab” (Optional but recommended)

Add an entry to “/etc/fstab” to mount the encrypted filesystem automatically during boot.

/dev/mapper/luks_disk /mnt/encrypted_data ext4 defaults 0 0
9. Unmounting and Closing the LUKS Container

When you’re done working with the encrypted filesystem, unmount the device and close the LUKS container.

sudo umount /mnt/encrypted_data
sudo cryptsetup luksClose luks_disk

Remember to replace “/mnt/encrypted_data” with your actual mount point.

Now you have successfully created an encrypted filesystem using LUKS on your Red Hat Linux system. Always ensure you have proper backups of your data and keep your encryption passphrase secure.

Click Here!!! to know how to create a partition from a new disk in linux.

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